Citizen-Scholar Awards What are the Citizen-Scholar Awards?
For the past 17 years, the Hawai`i Lodging & Tourism Association, the Hawai'i State Department of Education, and Honolulu Star-Advertiser have honored one outstanding senior from every public high school throughout the state who best exemplifies citizenship in school and the community. Each of these students have given back to make our state a better place and embody the Department of Education's Vision of a Public School Graduate. This vision is for all students to: (1) Hold a cumulative GPA of 3.3 (2) Exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship; (3) Realize their individual goals and aspirations; (4) Possess the attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary to contribute positively and compete in a global society; and (5) Pursue post-secondary education and/or careers without need for remediation. realize their goals and aspirations; Sponsoring companies award their student with a $1,000 continuing education scholarship and join the students for a recognition luncheon. During the day of the awards ceremony the Honolulu Star-Advertiser publishes a full page spread in the Star-Advertiser of the students being recognized. *If you are a student interested in apply for this award please contact your high school's senior counselor and view attached requirements. *If you are interested in sponsoring a student, please contact HLTA Director of Fiscal Services Jessica Caires at [email protected]. |
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